Membership Subscription Rates

  1. Annual Subscriptions Rates are:
    • UK Addresses - £20
    • EU addresses - £25
    • Rest of World (Economy) - £30
    • Rest of World (Airmail) - £30
  2. Subscriptions are due on the 2nd of January each year for the period January to December.
  3. Subscriptions can be paid by:
    • Standing Order Please complete the form available on the website
    • Bank Transfer to: The Military Historical Society
      • Sort Code: 20-55-68
      • Account No: 20642525
    • Cheque By post to the Treasurer & Membership Secretary
    • Worldpay Through the website subscription section
  4. Members who join part way through a subscription year will receive all the Society publications for that subscription year.
  5. Members may resign from the Society at any time by giving notice to the Treasurer and Membership Secretary, but any subscription paid for the subscription year in which the resignation is received shall not be returnable.